Friday, February 21, 2014

#6 editing

I downloaded Quick office over the weekend and have been playing with it this week. I used it to create an agenda for a meeting next month. It worked well, in fact, just as well as Word. I am still adjusting to using the touch screen to copy and paste or highlight text, but that is me not the app. I did have to open the document on my PC to use the share feature. Maybe I just need to explore the options/settings in the app some more. I will use this more often, expecially in meetings where I can download the agenda.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Writing and editing.

Explain Everything is the editing platform that students at my school have been using. It is not an app that I purchased, but was highly recommended by teachers. It costs 2.99.

I use Notes the most of the editing apps that I have on my ipad. I try not to do much typing on the ipad. I have extensive files on my PC and can access them both at school and at home, so it is not vital that I be able to edit.

The other apps that I have tried are:
Smart Office
Dragon Dictation
I have used them all but find that my go-to app is still Notes. I guess that I don't need the extra functionality in daily use. I do store documents that I'd like to access on the iPad in Skydrive. That way, I can view what I need from any device that I happen to be using. Skydrive doesn't allow editing on the iPad, but that hasn't been much of an issue for me.

Flipbook, a great news source

Flipbook has been my go to news source for school related things since the beginning of the school year. I honsetly don't remember when I found it, but it has made keeping up with new that interests me so much easier. I even moved my google reader there before the service ended. I don't use the magazine creation service.  I did explore it, but found that others do a better job than I could.
I read national news, School Library Journal, tech news, and follow facebook and twitter posts all in one easy to read place. I have been frustrated with some of the SLJ items. They seem like teasers with limited content. I guess that I need to subscribe to the print mag again. It is such a great resource. 
There are a couple of education related pages that I follow. Jackie Gerstein is my favorite. She posts and reposts many articles that I have forwarded to staff at my school. I also follow Joyce Valencia. 
Give this a try on your tablet. It will help you sort out the news you need and make it easy to access daily. 

browsers and search engines

I am a Google fan, I confess. I know that the company is collecting information about me every time I search.  I just like that the search is more specific to my needs. I have switched to the chrome browser at home and really like the apps that are avaiable. I also use google+ and gmail for many tasks. On the iPad, however, I find that my needs are satisfied by the Safari browser. I will move the google search button to the task bar and see if I am able to try searches using both this week. 
At school we have internet explorer and firefox avaiable. We have some preograms that tech support recommends firefox for. I don't see much difference in my daily use at school, though. More later after I have done some side by side searches. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

iPad tips and tricks 2

I was playing in several apps yesterday and discovered that I can't access the menu from below to adjust the volume in a video.  It will be interesting to see what works and what doesn't. I wonder if it is for music in the background so you don't have to close the app you are working in?