Saturday, February 8, 2014

Flipbook, a great news source

Flipbook has been my go to news source for school related things since the beginning of the school year. I honsetly don't remember when I found it, but it has made keeping up with new that interests me so much easier. I even moved my google reader there before the service ended. I don't use the magazine creation service.  I did explore it, but found that others do a better job than I could.
I read national news, School Library Journal, tech news, and follow facebook and twitter posts all in one easy to read place. I have been frustrated with some of the SLJ items. They seem like teasers with limited content. I guess that I need to subscribe to the print mag again. It is such a great resource. 
There are a couple of education related pages that I follow. Jackie Gerstein is my favorite. She posts and reposts many articles that I have forwarded to staff at my school. I also follow Joyce Valencia. 
Give this a try on your tablet. It will help you sort out the news you need and make it easy to access daily. 

1 comment:

  1. I just set up a Flipbook account for my Thing 4 and I agree that it does make keeping up so much easier.
